

1 Can I receive a bid notification if I have not registered in the Portal?

No. You must register in the Supplier Portal in order to receive bid notifications.

2 How long will it take for my registration to be approved?

It varies. The administrators are working very hard to approve registrations in a timely fashion.

3 Our Company’s Primary Contact is no longer with the company and I need to gain access to the portal – what do I do?

Submit a support ticket here: Click Here Please include your company’s Tax ID Number. SciQuest uses it to verify that you are with the company and to verify that they are editing the correct company profile.

4 What information will be available in the portal once my organization registers?

Who register for the portal can sign in and view their POs, associated invoices, and payment statuses at any time. Suppliers onboarded in the portal will see all of their Purchase Orders, Invoices, and corresponding payment statuses.
